A goal broken down becomes a PLAN.
A plan backed by ACTION makes your dream come true.
- 그레그 S. 레잇
It is mental illness to live the same as yesterday, wanting to live another life - Albert Einstein
알버트 아인슈타인은 "우리가 어제와 똑같이 살면서 다른 미래를 기대하는 것은 정신병의 초기 징후이다." 라고 하였다. 약간 순화시켜 말한 것같은데... 제대로 번역하면, 정신병의 초기징후가 아니라 '미친x' 이다. 라고 해야 하지 않을까?
오늘이 어제와 같다면 오늘은 혼나야 할 것이다. 어제보다 나은 부분이 없다는 것은 곧 다람쥐 챗바퀴 도는 것과 마찬가지라는 것이다. 다람쥐가 힘차게 발을 굴러서 챗바퀴를 돌리면, 계속 돌게 되는 관성이 생긴다. 그 관성은 우리에게 '타성'이라는 것으로 다가와서 열심히만 살게 된다. 흔히, '타성에 젖다' 라고들 하는데 (이 때, '젖다'라는 말은 물따위에 축축하게 된다는 말이 아니고, 몸에 베다 라고 해석해야 함) '매너리즘' 과 같은 뜻으로 사용되는 말이다. 여기서 타성은 오랫동안 변화나 새로움을 꾀하지 않아 나태하게 굳어진 습성을 말한다. 즉, 어제가 오늘과 같을 것이고, 미래또한 별반 다르지 않을 것이라는 끔찍한 상황을 나타내는 것이다.
오늘은 어제보다 1mm 라도 목표(꿈)에 가까워져야 할 것이다.
나에게 물어보자!
나는 지금 타성에 젖어, 열심히 챗바퀴만을 굴리고 있는건 아닌가? 말이다.
A DREAM written down with a date becomes a GOAL.A goal broken down becomes a PLAN.A plan backed by ACTION makes your dream come true.
-Greg S. Reit
Plan your life.
Share, collect, give meaning, and plant a landmark for every chunk of memory.
Even if you take a step in your dreams, go one step at a time.
And do it today rather than tomorrow.
-by tadpole.
Dreams come true It's like a dream if you listen to it, and sometimes it tells you what's wrong. Dreaming. The word "sometimes impossible" is also used when trying to speak or trying something that will not be done.
People who do not try this. This is what those who are afraid to try say. If you don't try, you can't do anything.
It is mental illness to live the same as yesterday, wanting to live another life-Albert Einstein
"It is an early sign of psychosis that we live the same yesterday and look forward to a different future," said Albert Einstein. Said. It seems to have been said to be a little purified ... If translated correctly, it is 'crazy x' rather than the initial sign of psychosis. Shouldn't I say
If today is the same as yesterday, today will have to be scolded. Nothing better than yesterday is that it's like a squirrel chat wheel. When the squirrel rolls his feet vigorously and turns the chat wheel, he creates an inertia that keeps spinning. That inertia comes to us as 'inertia' and we only live hard. Frequently, it is said to be 'wet in inertia' (in this case, 'wet' does not mean to be wet with water, but should be interpreted as being cut on the body). Here, the inertia refers to a habit that has been hardened by not seeking change or newness for a long time. In other words, it represents a terrible situation that yesterday will be the same as today, and the future will be no different.
Today, I will have to get closer to my goal (dream) at least 1 mm than yesterday.
Ask yourself!
I'm wet with inertia right now, isn't it just rolling the chat wheel?
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