어릴 적 목욕탕속은 무척 신기한 것이 많았어.
손가락만 닿아도 뜨거워 들어가기 싫은 곳에 어른들은 <아~ 시원하다.> 라며 거짓말을 해대던 곳,
강제로 입수되었던 온탕은 그 당시 어른들의 말씀대로 <오초, 사초, 삼초, 이초, 일초!> 라는 주문만 외우면 뜨겁지 않았던 곳이었지.
그럼에도 불구하고
뜨거움만 가득한 그 곳에 오아시스같은 장소, 냉탕은 아이들의 특급 놀이터였어. (다만, 불려논 때를 도루묵 만든다면서 혼이 좀 나긴 했었지만 말이야.)
그런데 이 냉탕말이지...
머리가 굵어지면서 점점 들어가지 않게 되더라고. 목욕탕안에서는 말그대로 목욕을 해야 하는 것이니까 말이야.
시간이 아깝지 않게 간단히 샤워를 하고, 이를 닦고, 머리를 감고, 온탕 입수, 그리고 때를 밀고... 몸의 물기를 제거하고.... 이런 과정 중에 냉탕은 낄 자리가 없는거야.
그런데 어제, 그 작은 공중 목욕탕의 사우나에 들어갔는데 말이야.
십분만에 헐떡거리며 나와버렸지 뭐야.
거짓말 안하고, 불가마와 같은 온도로 느껴졌어....
이러다 쓰러지는 것 아냐? 위기를 느낀 나는 저 멀리(다섯걸음정도) 오아시스가 보였어.
순간적으로 많은 생각이 들더라?
<들어가도 될까? 준비운동은? 춥지 않겠지? 십몇년만인데 괜찮겠지?...>
그리고 들어가서야 비로소 느꼈지.
오래간만이네... 여전히 시원하구나.
그래... 어제는, 내가 만들고 내게 씌운 껍질 하나를 벗는 순간이었어.
(으라차! 아라싸! 외치는 아저씨들의 마음을 조금은 이해했다랄까?)
When I was young, there were many interesting things in the bathhouse.
It's hot at the touch of a finger, and adults don't want to go in there.> Where you used to lie,
The hot bath, which was forced into service, was not hot if you memorized the word "five second, four-second, three-second, two-second, one-second!" as adults said at the time.
not with standing
A place full of heat, like an oasis, the cold bath was a children's playground. (However, I was scolded for making the loach when it was called out.)
By the way, this cold water.
As my head got thicker, I couldn't get it in. You have to take a bath in a bath.
Take a quick shower, brush your teeth, wash your hair, go into the hot tub, push the dirt... drain your body... There's no room for cold water in this process.
But yesterday, I went into the sauna in that little public bathhouse.
I came out panting in ten minutes.
I'm not lying, but I felt like a non-
What if I fall down like this way? Feeling a crisis, I saw an oasis in the distance (five steps).
I had a lot of thoughts in my mind.
May I come in? What about warm-up? It won't be cold, will it? It's been ten years. Is it okay?
And I didn't realize it until I got in.
Long time no see... you(cold-water) still cool!
Yeah... yesterday, it was the moment I took off one of the shells I made and put on me.
(Do I understand a little bit of their screaming 'Euracha!')
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